Hi, again and welcome back to my blog. By now, you've collected a bunch of beautiful Quickpages made by the Trixie Scraps CT for our "14 Days of Love" celebration. Aren't they all gorgeous? And we aren't done yet!Don't forget, our Quickpages for this blog train were all made from Trixie's new kit, "Hearts Abound" - and its on sale 20% off from now until the end of the month! It includes 12 papers, over 40 elements and a full alpha, too! The preview below is linked to the kit in the Trixie Scraps shop - the final sale days are winding down, so if you haven't picked it up yet, you better hurry to get it while its still on sale!
And now, this is what you came here for! Here is my Quickpage for today! Click on the preview to download and enjoy!
OK, now, don't miss tomorrow's Quickpage, which you will find on http://trixiescraps.blogspot.com blog. Please remember, we are all in different time zones, so if her links aren't up when you first visit, please check back a little later on. And, don't forget to leave her some love! Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog and for supporting
Trixie Scraps Designs